Thursday, May 29, 2008
It's Thursday night...
Friday, May 23, 2008
SUMO at the Ryogoku
During this 2-week tournament, the last matches of the day begin at 4:00. That's when the best wrestlers compete with each other. At the beginning of this part of the event, they came out in 2 groups, East and West. The first group paraded around the ring wearing their apron-like garbs. They did a short arm dance, and then retreated. Then the second group came out, paraded, danced and retreated. Then 2 guys, one from each group did a ceremonial dance for each other.
Then finally the matches started.
There were some upsets yesterday, and I was surprised by a couple of them. Some lean and lighter guys beat guys who must have had 100 pounds on them. But it came down to strength and technique, and the leaner guys won. We had English commentary coming into our ears through little radios we rented, and that really helped to understand some of the moves, (all the Sumo moves have names) and gave us some background on the players. Many of the wrestlers were injured. Lots of taped knees, ankles, wrists and shoulders. One guy had what looked like a bruise on his entire left cheek. And I don't mean face.
That was just one more extremely fun, fascinating and wondrous experience I could only get here in Japan. Lots of smiles and laughter with Robin and friends Terry and Ben. Thanks again, Tokyo!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
'tis the season...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Quick! Name this show...
If you guessed A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, you would be correct!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Meet Nakamura-san
Now I need to go study the "te form" of my short list of verbs...
Shopping on Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
You never know who is watching...
One of the men took a couple of my goofy pictures from the previous blog rant about my grey hair, and put them on a mock flier for the up-coming concert in October. It struck me completely funny, but was also a little embarrassing. I've always tried so hard to present my professional side to them. But I don't mind...I am still laughing about it this morning. You never know who is watching.
This picture was taken at the rehearsal earlier in the day. It's the scene right before intermission, when Miles Gloriosus (Ron Scott) is threatening Pseudolus (Jonathan Alan) with death, because Pseudolus, who is masquerading as Marcus Lycus, has failed to present him with his vigin bride. This group is also a delight to work with, but a very different type of group. Less predictable and disciplined than the Chiba Singers. And we are working toward very different final outcomes.
Of course, the show will all come together, but we are cutting it a little too close for my comfort. I still need to practice many hours before our opening on Thursday...I am not used to being the first chair pianist. Boy, do I miss Russell Posegate this week. :-)
Monday, May 5, 2008
The Story of Stuff
Maybe it's just the contrast of moving from a rural setting to an urban one, but I am struck by how Japanese urbanites are hyper-consumers. One has to wonder where they put all the stuff they buy, because many live in tiny apartments.
If you have a few minutes, please watch this.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Some personal thoughts on Mother's Day
When I feel badly about being busy over the years, I think about this: it was really important that I was there when they were very small and still looked up at me with big adoring eyes. I had the time to make fancy birthday cakes, to play in the sandbox and the wading pool, to potty train and take on outings, to find little bugs in the grass, to be there when they woke up from naps, to finger paint with them and hold my tiny boys in my arms while we danced around the house to Earth Wind and Fire. Now they tell me that I embarrass them, that they'd prefer it if I wasn't at school, or please mom don't say anything. Touching them is right out. Ouch. Sometimes I long for those big adoring eyes days. Their little hands in mine, the sweaty little boy heads asleep on my shoulder, the countless bedtime stories and Sesame Street. It was messy wonderful fun, those days.
Friday, May 2, 2008
I've been told I'm in good company...
Another sent me a link to an article about a famous and fabulous woman who also threw away the hair dye...
Check this out, if you are interested:
Let's start a revolution! Change the head at a time...