Sometimes when I read the news and I get my knickers all in a bunch, (like I did this week several times) I click on Google and type in something like, "why the #$!! does anyone listen to the pope?" or "Dick Cheney is a poop head," or some such worse thing. Mostly just to vent and read something that bolsters my righteous indignation.
Well this evening I read an article about the pope claiming that distributing condoms won't do anything to stop the spread of HIV in Africa. The only way to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, according to the pope is total abstinence. Well. We all know how well THAT works. Just ask all the victims of pedophile priests...Which begs the question, "Why on earth would anyone listen to what the pope has to say?!" Since when has the pope become an HIV expert? Or an expert on any real human health issues?? Don't even get me started about the pope and women's issues. Anyway, I digress. So I type in some negative thing about the pope and up pops a surprising find.
I find myself looking at a blogspot page called Wonderful World of Wieners.
On this page, there are pictures of wiener dogs in a roughly made pope hat. I was so amused by this, that it took all the wind out of my sails, lowered my blood pressure and made me smile. So now I think I have the cure for these stressful times. Concerned about the environment? Plant a tree, look at kittens. Worried about the economy? Look at pictures of cute little babies. It may not help your financial situation, but it will be a calming distraction. Mad at the pope for opening his misguided mouth? Go to Wonderful World of Wieners, look at cute little wiener dog sporting ridiculous paper pope hats and enjoy!
Oh yeah- and never lose sight of the ridiculous in every situation.