My friend Connie...(she thought I might say that) knows a little about cars in Japan, because her husband works at Nissan. She drives a Nissan vehicle provided by the company. I think that makes her an expert. Anyway today we had lunch and visited the local discount grocery store (with her car!) and she told me an interesting fact.
The cars in Japan all look so shiny and new because they are inspected every few years and have to fix things which are not just mechanical, but also cosmetic. They have to fix dings, dents, interior stuff...unlike in America where if the car has 4 tires and some remnant of brakes left it passes inspection. So here, you never see an old rust bucket on the road. I looked around at cars with new eyes today and could suddenly see shiny, new-looking, pristine automobiles as far as the eye could see. There's your fun fact for the day.
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