Yoyogi Park in all its' Rose Blooming Glory!
My dear friend Charlie and his cute little dog, Max
Friends from the American Club Women's Group
The wonderful Chiba International Singers
So there's a moment in the show where Bill Sikes has nabbed Oliver after he had been sent out with books for Mr. Brownlowe...Bill grabs him and tells him,
"Say goodbye to your fancy living!"
Well, it's been ringing in my head, for that's what I am preparing to do. It all started LAST week at a Women's Group Sayonara party for me and 3 other gals who are leaving Tokyo. This week, I am sorting through closets, shelves and other hiding places and trying to weed out the clutter of 2 years in Tokyo. It's at these times I wish I were not such an unorganized slob.
There is a possibility that Robin will be able to move into a smaller apartment (hopefully with a cool view) for the remainder of the time he will be here. (14 months, BTW) So I am trying to be a good wife and clean out before that might happen. Besides, it's mostly MY clutter.
One of the interesting things involving moving and packing is the prioritizing of stuff. What stuff is important? What needs to come back this summer? What can wait a year? What am I attached to? What will continue to make this feel like home after we all leave and Robin is here alone? He says he doesn't care if he has bare walls, but I would care if he had bare walls. So it's a dance, but one that should be restricted to 500 pounds. That's our "weight limit." Not going to make it under, I suspect. And then there's that moment when the moving company representative looks you in the eye and says, "And we'll need a total replacement cost estimate, in case the air shipment goes down and everything is lost." Ummmm...How can I possibly figure that out? Most of my clothes are older than 5 years. (Is that something I should be freely admitting, here?) Actually, it would be a little upsetting, but really, it wouldn't matter. It's just stuff. Replaceable stuff. Stuff I can do without. Stuff I'd probably be better off without, really. The last 2 summers of packing, unpacking, moving into the house, moving out of the house, making friends, and leaving friends has taught me that stuff doesn't matter. People matter.
I said some goodbyes last night at a place called "The Pink Cow." I went to hear The Sunshine Prophets, a group that includes 2 friends from Oliver! They sang songs from the 60's like "Monday, Monday," "Feelin' Groovy," and "I've got You Babe." It was nice to hear them, and it gave me an opportunity to say goodbye to some folks. This past weekend was to be the weekend of goodbyes, but 2 parties were canceled and I spent it mostly in solitude. This week Robin is on a trip. So now I am looking forward, not backward. I am getting antsy to be back. My boys are all home, my pets await re-claiming, my yard needs mowing, my gardens need attention, my friends who have been so wonderful to my family need thanking...
I will be leaving some serious quiet and plunging head first back into my life of mother to three wonderful young men. It will be a fun, noisy, busy, dog-hair and music-filled summer in my 120 year old farm house. I'll take that over fancy living ANY DAY.
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