Radio the Ape
Radio the Ape entered a competition sponsored by an organization that supports music education. NAMM is the acronym, and I believe they sell music equipment and support active music making. NAMM chose 10 high school rock bands from each region of the US to "battle it out" on-line. Out of all the entries, RTA and nine other bands made the top 10 in the Northeast! Now there is a frenzy of daily voting going on, where anyone can go to the web site and support the band of her choice. The band with the most votes in each region will compete in Anaheim California face to face early in 2010. They will also receive money for their local school music department. A pretty good deal for everyone.
We just found out that Radio the Ape is ranked 6th out of 10 in the voting. Sadly, I suspected as much. Most of the other bands are from large metropolitan areas, have more friends, a bigger fan base, more votes on their side. So if you can cut and paste the above address into your search window, enter in some basic information (email) you can then vote everyday for our boys. Once every 24 hours.
If nothing else, it's pretty interesting to go to the web site and listen to the great variety of original music coming from some very talented teens from across our great land!
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