Annie and Molly on Christmas morning...from our production of Annie.
The possibilities are endless, as the week stretches before me. Yard work, spring cleaning, some decorating projects, preparing for the coming push toward the end of the school year. You might think: yuck! Sounds like too much work.
I have just completed co-directing Annie at my middle school. It was an all-consuming project that I enjoyed very much, with the end result being a darn good show! But anyone who does these types of shows with constant rehearsal- every day, every weekend, (while wearing several different hats) knows that the house falls into a state that resembles something close to hell. (When the show is over, and you have the option of actually going HOME in the sunshine after school instead of to a 3 hour rehearsal in a windowless auditorium with 50 kids- it is like coming out of a dark tunnel and taking in a deep breath of fresh air!) Plus- my helper went to Florida last week, the week she was supposed to come and clean my gigantic old house. So having the time to actually empty the compost, take out the garbage, walk my dog, tackle the huge pile of laundry, rake some of the leaves out of the flower get the idea. It's a little bit gratifying- especially when the weather cooperates as it has this weekend. Today it may rain. But oh well.
I received many text messages from my friend, and co-director in Florida yesterday who was being dragged around IKEA by her family when all she really wanted to do was lay by a pool and relax. So there you go. It's the control over my day that is a relief. Instead of have-to I want-to. So today I want to: walk the rim trail, cut down some trees, clean a college son's room, plant some pansies, go to the bank. It's a good start.
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