We had a wild and windy storm yesterday that took a bunch of local trees down. We desperately needed the rain, but not so much the wind. My young friend Madeleine and I were mulching as the storm approached. We heard the thunder and saw the blackness of the sky as it ominously approached. I was doing my rain dance for all I was worth!
After the last wheelbarrow of mulch was hastily dumped and spread, we put tools away, and without cleaning ourselves up, jumped in the car to get Madeleine home before it really hit. We just made it, but on the way home all hell broke loose. I was driving up the road to my house and suddenly couldn't see the road. The wind and rain were flying horizontally in a wind blast that frightened me. I was sure a tree was going to come down on top of my car! Thankfully, I made it home. The boys were closing windows when I got there and we enjoyed the rain- from inside the house! Some folks lost power, some folks lost trees, and my friend Dennis had an old maple tree fall on top of his Mini Cooper. Now THAT'S a bummer.
Later in the day, while meeting a friend at her house to show me where stuff is for our Japanese guests, Nathan called and told me the contractor wanted to ask me some questions, so home I went (instead of swimming) to find the painters were here, as was the electrician who is hooking up our barn, and the new stove was being installed. The trench in the driveway had been filled in, thankfully. I was fielding questions about the up-coming concert program, and playing phone tag with the catering department at Wegmans. I was having a serious "Calgon, take me away!" afternoon. Ran to Ithaca for my haircut. was late, as usual.
In the evening,I cooked on my new gas range which was fun. However, I didn't really look very carefully at the manual. I was unsuccessfully trying to boil water for sweet corn on the "precise simmer" burner. Duh. Once I switched to the hi output burner, things improved vastly.
Then after supper- this stunning rainbow. Right over the top of our house. I think it's a sign that my husband will be home soon. That all this summer frenzied activity will end eventually. That everything will be okay. At least that's how I'm reading it.
There is always a calm after a storm.
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