Well! Nathan was so excited, he reverted back to his elementary school days, and hooted and screamed in delight. I think the poor guy misses Greek Peek. I caught my neighbor through the window, all bundled up and heading out with, I suspect, his camera. Snow in Tokyo is a fairly rare occurance. My Japanese teacher told me it's been years since there's been any real snow fall here. So, instead of riding my bike to yoga class, I set out on foot to take some pictures of this exciting event. It's been snowing for at least 4 hours, and the flakes right now are the big, fluffy, stuck together kind. There is enough to form slush and make the roads slightly slick and messy. How fun! I wonder if the drivers here are as hopeless in snow as the Houstonites were when we lived there? It was laughable.
Robin is in China this week, teaching his class, so I took a couple of short videos for him so that he can see the snow.
1 comment:
It is so much fun to read your journal now that I can picture in my mind how things must look.
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