I took the kids to Kabuki theatre this morning. We stayed for 1 and 1/4 hours and enjoyed the spectacle. Then after a delicious lunch at the Tokyo American Club, I took Chris and Julia to taiko.
I had the distinct pleasure to take Chris and Julia to my taiko class today. We were working on a pretty complicated piece called "Running Horse." The bass note part, the part we were reviewing today uses 2 drums and the rim of the drums. The kids were amazing! Chris of course, was a natural. And one point during the class when all the women fell apart and forgot where we were, Chris was the only one who knew where we were and he kept playing by himself. Julia kept up brilliantly today, and everyone was impressed at how fabulous these 2 were. It was great fun, and I could tell Chris was eating it up. Moko even gave Chris a solo- a tempo transition section that sped up, and he nailed it every time.
Moko, Alice, Chris and Julia
Julia was brilliant!
Chris with his game face on.
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