Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wedding pictures from Sunday at the Meiji Shrine

Since Sarah and I were white water rafting on Friday, she missed the tour of Meiji Shrine with Lap and Robin and Chris and Julia. I took her there on Sunday. It's a favorite destination when we have visitors. It's close, it's lovely and has great historic significance in Tokyo. There was a display of bonsai trees there that we had heard was pretty amazing. Some of the trees are older than I. A couple of them are 200 years old. We were wondering how the care of the trees gets passed along from generation to generation.

We also witnessed a wedding procession through the grounds of the shrine and enjoyed looking at the traditional Japanese wedding clothes. The bride was lovely. Enjoy the pictures.
Today is Thursday. It is raining. Time to find an indoor activity. Packing, perhaps??

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