Today I made the rounds around town, saying goodbye to friends, children and pets. I felt all warm and sentimental as I drove about the countryside. What a blessing my friends are. What a gorgeous day. Leaving Matt behind never feels good, but he is well loved and taken care of and very happy at Westwind Farm with Pete and Joel. Today I felt like one of the luckiest people on earth.
The temperature dropped as the day went on and tonight it is absolutely frigid. Two different people told me, "Get out while you can!" as there is a deep freeze headed this way. Last night I put new flannel sheets and a down comforter on the bed I have been sleeping in (Chris' bed) and it was heavenly. I blame the snugly warmth of my bed for not letting me go to church this morning.
So why the horse's ass, you ask?
When I stopped by the Loch Ridge Farm to say good bye to Anne and Farmer Bill, Anne was busy in a meeting about the HS musical, so Farmer Bill asked me if I would like a sleigh ride.
This is a view of the barn on Loch Ridge Farm. Very picturesque after all the snowfall last night.
Anyway...Farmer Bill was so happy to have a person to take on a sleigh ride, he quietly, but with glee told me he'd be back in about 15 minutes. I visited with my friends and got a few glimpses of set design and costume ideas, and then looked out the window. Sure enough- there came Farmer Bill in all his Olde World splendor with a sledge from the 1880's and a happy working pony named Nolan.
The shadows were long and the sun was getting low. The air was crystal clear and had a definite bite to it, but I didn't really mind too much. Bill and I chatted some, but when we were not chatting the air was filled with the magical sound of that double sleigh bell harness that bumped into Nolan's legs with every step. It was such a lovely, surprising and thoroughly enjoyable send-off. See what I mean about being lucky? I leave first thing tomorrow morning to get my flights back to Tokyo.
Thanks, Farmer Bill for a memory I will cherish for a long long time!
Sayonara, Trumansburg!
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