We have seen more ads for beauty gimmicks here in Japan than ever at home. Little nasty black pills, special foaming facial wash, pudding, diet supplements, stunning western role models like Jessica Simpson and Lindsey Lohan hawking Proactive solution, guys in lab coats pointing at cartoon scientific pie charts, lots of other dubious "scientific" charts showing animated actions and reactions, little bumpy rollers you roll on your face and neck, enough make up to fill a ditch, the Slender Shaper (basically a strap-on vibrator for your butt), breast augmentation lotions, humidifyers to enhance your beauty sleep, workout routine videos, salsa dancing for a slender waist, and now....
What is placenta 100 you ask? We don't know for sure but it looks like placenta in pill form. It apparently has lots of B Vitamins and is good for your skin. Robin says "It smooths out the skin so you can trowel on the makeup without having a sandable base coat." Then he guffaws uncontrollably.
By all measures many Japanese women are obsessed with slimness and beauty, for there is a huge market and advertising budget here. So many info-mercials with glowing women talking excitedly about some product. Lots of before and after pictures. It's tedious on some days and highly entertaining on others. I guess it's really no diferent than any other culture...except where women are expected to remain covered from head to toe.
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