These guys were discovered in 1974 when a local farmer was digging a well. He came up with some finger fragments and called the government. This old farmer now sits behind the counter at the souvenir shop, eating noodles.
The soldiers number over 8000, created about 2000 years ago. They have been discovered in 3 separate pits. There are many more that have yet to be uncovered, but they are trying to figure out how to preserve their colors. the first soldiers discovered had bright colorful details that oxidized when brought out of the earth.
Every soldier is unique. It is an amazing thing to see. It is a bit like looking at ghosts. They were created and buried to guard the emperor after his death. Horses and chariots, archers both standing and sitting, officers and generals...all ready for battle, or to escort the emperor on his way.
Here is a modern day soldier. I saw more soldiers in China than I ever have in the US. He is guarding the one place where there is easy access to the soldiers being repaired. A couple of years ago, a German dude, dressed like a soldier, slipped into the display and stood there for a long time. He then started moving and caused a great stir, as you can imagine.
Here we are, jumping into a photograph. This family was thrilled that we did, and wanted some posed pics with us. We each got one point for this moment. Alice our guide got in on the fun and took the cameras to catch us in the act.
This place is called the 8th Wonder of the World. It is an archeologist's dream. One gets the sense that they will be working here for at least a hundred years, excavating, putting pieces together, discovering more sites, unraveling the mysteries of the 1st Emperor of China.
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