Yesterday dawned sunny, cool and blue. In the afternoon I managed to fiddle with the mower tires yet again, and get most of the lawn mowed by 6:00. By then it was chilly, windy and overcast. There was a definite change in the weather, and the geese have been honking loudly and flapping around, preparing to travel South (if they even do that anymore). It was a quiet day of house chores, and visits by dear friends who knew I was in a funk. In the evening I dozed on the couch while watching "Finding Nemo," and waited for Matt to call for a ride. This is the first weekend in a month that I've been home. Matt slept 14 hours last night. We were pooped.
Today dawned rainy and grey. The rain has been falling steadily all day and I have been a woman consumed with cooking and baking. I slipped out this morning early between the raindrops to run the dogs through the back fields. They got the best part of the day. After shopping for groceries, I have been in the kitchen all day and have made cinnamon rolls, breakfast sausages and eggs for the boys, meatloaf, apple crisp and foccacia bread (which is now rising before it gets poked, oiled, seasoned and baked). The Sunday line-up of NRP has been keeping me company as the boys occasionally wander in and out of the kitchen in their pjs. Great folk music is playing on A Prairie Home Companion.
This is what I missed when I was in Tokyo. The sights, sounds and smells of home. Green grass decorated by the falling colored leaves, raindrops splattering in the puddles in the drive, geese loudly honking behind the hedgerow, the sense that winter is finally not so far away, dogs who lie strewn about my feet and the warm smells of baking filling the house. Almost perfect.