What a great day! We had a few "near misses," such as temporarily misplacing the kick drum shaft and beater while carrying the drums up to the stage, temporarily losing power on one of the amps between songs, and opening up the bass case and discovering a broken string (after a lengthy discussion as to whether to change the strings or carry extras...) But we found the beater (Uncle John found the beater), Matt managed to think on his feet during the dead air time and tell a couple of jokes, and we borrowed Voodoo Fix's bass. They were a really nice bunch of guys and played well as the opening band.
The guys didn't let these things rattle them, they kept their heads, and really played well. The sound guy was excellent. He made everyone sound fabulous. It was so nice to hear a live performance that really sounded like it was supposed to...but I guess in LA, you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a sound techhie. They sounded good. They drew a crowd. The other performers were complimentary, and someone from EMI records asked about them. Vicky (probably their biggest fan) promptly whipped out a CD to give the EMI representative.
After they played, Vicky told us to tell the guys to stay around the VIP tent, as Pierce Brosnan (James Bond) was due to arrive around 1:00. One of my favorite pictures of the weekend (see above- first picture) is them standing in front of the media banner, at the moment when they first spotted him walking through the crowd. Their faces are priceless. Matt is beaming, Jacob looks beside himself, Trevor is smiling and Art is pointing. Just a fun moment to have captured.
After our boys figured out that the VIP tent was the pllace to hob nob with celebrities, that's where they stayed for a while. They posed with Pierce Brosnan, they chatted with Ricky Lake (who is an Ithaca College grad) and met Wesley (Dread Pirate Roberts) from the Princess Bride. Mary Lou Henner spoke at length at one point about the Jane Goodall foundation, they got a photo with some blonde Disney girl and then posed with Dominick Scott, the latest kid star to be signed by Disney. We all did a lot of giggling and grinning all afternoon. Dominick Scott's back up band was his Dad on drums and members of the Commodores. Remember them?? It was a hoot and a half to be there, and to watch our boys run with some of the "Big Dogs." I am very proud of all of them. I am so grateful that Debbie and Alan Scheer joined us on this adventure, as did Robin. Chris performed admirably as their "Mr. Manager." Rob found us a beasty Ford Van that seated 8 (nine in a pinch) and carried most of the equipment. And then HE DROVE it. Everywhere we needed to go. LA freeway driving can be a little hairy at times. He handled it with superb grace and skill under pressure- all the way up and down the 405. Art's Uncle John used his pick up truck to carry the drum set and some other stuff and was a great help. We spent time with the very lovely Sullivan family, got to see some of LA, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, Santa Monica, and then Long Beach on Monday. We ate at "In and Out" Burger, went to the Aquarium of the Pacific, and just generally did an awful lot of laughing. The flight back last night was a little rough, and I know the boys are tired. Additionally they had to give up their only home cross country meet this evening, but I know they have no regrets. This was a weekend that none of us will ever forget.
1 comment:
Where is the photo of you and Pierce hugging?
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