This summer, Art (at the tiller) sent a music video of himself playing in a band to his cousins in California. This home-grown band is called Radio the Ape. They are a local group of high school boys who have been playing together and writing music for about 3 years now. Last year, they won the local "Battle of the Bands." They were psyched. Their music is pretty catchy. The lyrics are good and they play pretty well. I particularly love the singer. (He's my youngest son!) I wrote in a previous blog about how great they sounded at a graduation party. Well. Their music video made the rounds out there in California. Art's Aunt sent it to her friends and they sent it on to their friends. It finally made it to Pierce Brosnan's personal assistant, who CALLED our hometown boys and invited them to play at the Jane Goodall Foundation's Day of Peace Festival, on the Santa Monica pier. I was in the house the night she called when they all gathered around the phone in Matt's room at the top of the stairs. The excitement was palpable. The boys were shaking they were so excited. I wouldn't have been surprised if one of them had burst into flames that night. They appointed Chris (my oldest) their "manager," since he had produced their sound recordings and knew a little about the biz.
We had a parent meeting the next week to discuss the possibility of actually making it happen. I was almost as excited as they were, and immediately volunteered to accompany the boys on their trip. We got the confirmation letter from the organizers -finally! The trip was ON. Robin and I used all our frequent flyer miles to purchase round trip tickets to LAX for 105.00 each. And we leave this FRIDAY.
I am excited for the boys, but secretly excited for me. I hope to meet Mr. Brosnan and get a photo taken with him. I know I will have a VIP pass as I will be "with the band."
This is one of those internet chance hook-ups. Four boys from small town Upstate get air time in California via the web because their Aunt knows somebody who knows somebody who took a second look and invited them to play gig at a Peace Festival in Santa Monica. My head is spinning. I guess I need to do laundry and pick out my outfit in which I will meet and greet celebrities who dig peace.
To view the video that got this all started:
And check this out: they are on the web page!
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