It's that week between Christmas and New Year's Day when many people travel or ski or visit relatives. Not so for me this year. Christmas is over. The fridge needs cleaning out. The last bit of Turkey soup must go out to the compost pile and the recycling to the recycling center. I am regretting all the cookies, beer and cheese that tasted so good during high times of stress. Robin is back in Tokyo and I have a lot of work I should be doing. I had big plans for a productive day today, but instead have been wasting my time, puttering around the house, watching Daily Show clips and thinking a lot about this next year. Looking forward to it and anxious about it at the same time. That's why time I put in this week will go a long way to reduce my anxiety.
Our new windows are installed upstairs and what a difference they make. The insulation in the attic along with the windows make for cozy bedrooms now. All the heat from downstairs whooshes up and is captured up there. Downstairs away from the coal stove? Chilly! Starting in January, our downstairs windows will be replaced and I sincerely hope we will see a decrease in our oil consumption and an increase in comfort.
We had an unfortunate set back with our new roof the week before Christmas. Buckets of water were pouring through Chris' bedroom ceiling. Apparently there wasn't enough adequate flashing around the chimney where it meets the roof and boy, did it get in during the 3 days of rain we had! I happened to hear the drip, drip, dripping one evening while heading to bed and by that time, his rug was soaked. A few more inches in one direction and his mattress would have been toast! (soggy toast) Since then the chimney has been uber-flashed, as have portions of the back roof over Nathan's room. I am happy it's too cold to rain, for the next time we get a really good soaking, it will be a moment of truth around here. Only a little bit stressful. Chris' room has a tiny bit of lingering funk that I notice when I leave the door closed. Guess I'll leave it open for now.
In spite of the minor blips (water damage, a minor car accident, and some sinus infections) we experienced leading up to the holidays, we had a lovely Christmas. It is great when we can all get together and enjoy each others' company. How many more years will we all be together? It is good to be thankful for the present.
Favorites of the season:
Favorite Gift: Matt's gift to Nathan: a 72-serving sized can of baked beans. Meant to remind him of the time in Tokyo he ate "Too many beans" and couldn't stand up straight.
Favorite Moments: listening to my boys laughing, joking and goofing around, and their delight in one another after being apart.
Playing "Scrabble" with a box if lettered petit fours on Christmas night.
Watching my husband play tuba and hearing him sing on Christmas Eve. What an astonishingly talented man he is.
Slurping really delicious Japanese miso soup with udon noodles on Christmas night with my boys.
I wish you the joy of simple pleasures in 2010.
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