I had this notion, on the first day of 2010 to get outside and away from the home, the teen boys, (who are apparently trying to win some record of consecutive hours of video gaming)and walk my worries away. Macy and I were headed to the National Forest up in Hector! It gives me joy to give HER joy, and there's nothing she likes better than a romp outdoors. But alas, my fuel tank warning light was on when we got to the car, so we were off to the pump! A minor and necessary detour. And while we were already at the store for gas, might as well pick up the 2 things I needed. The 2 things turned into a basket full and could have turned into a cart, but NO! I need to put my mental and physical health first, so I was determined to just get in and out of the store, and on my way to the snowy woods. Luckily I didn't meet anyone.
On my way to the Forest, deep in thought, I forgot the turn, and ended up driving past my house and figured I'd just drive for a while. It felt very nice to be alone in the car with Macy, listening to my favorite music and not having to be really anywhere...
I went the long way back towards the Forest, and ended up heading past my in-law's. Something made me stop. I figured it would be nice to pop in and wish them a Happy New Year. Now I was driving on secondary or even lesser roads and they were not great. It's been snowing all day- the fine, powdery snow that acts like grease under the wheels. I discovered no one was home. Parked the car. Sat and thought about the road conditions...
Macy and I wandered into my father-in-law's woods on his 90+ acres. My dog was delighted as she sniffed out mice nests under the snow, and zoomed back and forth all around me. I took out my camera and started taking pics. We took our time, went off trails, wandered in and out of the trees, listened to the silent sound that snow makes as it comes straight down in complete stillness. I wish I had the time for a walk of that sort every day. But real life will resume shortly, and that kind of walk will become very rare indeed. I hope this is a harbinger of a year filled with precious and rare experiences.
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