There were a few glitches involving map-less bus drivers and border crossings, but other than that, it was a perfect weekend. The temps dropped and the air cooled off just in time for their arrival late Thursday evening. Friday morning found us at the overlook at Taughannock State Park. My Favorite picture from the weekend is this one:
The group then hiked the gorge trail to the base of the falls. After the hike and the taking of more pictures, we made it just in time to the Columbia, for a lunch cruise up and around a short distance of Cayuga Lake for 2 hours. The afternoon was capped off by a drive through Cornell's campus and a visit to the Ithaca commons for some shopping. After a brief rest, we all met up again at the church at 5:00 for a rehearsal of the Sunday worship service and concert program. This is where the choruses all met each other. We enjoyed singing for and with each other. For a bunch of jet-lagged travelers they sounded great! Then when THAT was done, everyone hopped into a host of vehicles and we bopped over to my backyard for grilled chicken (Cornell sauce of course), dishes to pass and libations. This is where the real getting to know each other began. It was a party. I haven't seen so much smiling in one place in a long time.
Our visitors stayed in a variety of accommodations. The men and one couple were hosted by the Reunion House B&B locally, and a group of 6 women stayed at a Neil and Maureen Shallish's beautiful home. Yoko and Steffen stayed with me.
I had known for a long time that I was going to be singing on Saturday at a wedding of a couple of friends. (who, coincidentally met while singing in the TCC!)CIS headed off to Niagara Falls for the day. They say it was worth the trip, but it was a long day of being stuck in traffic at the border and a late arrival back in the 'burg. I have seen smiling wet faces in pictures from their Maid of the Mist voyage, so I know that some of their day was well enjoyed!
Sunday morning dawned a little warmer and muggier, as we prepared to sing in Presbyterian church for worship. Amazing Grace, Joyful, Joyful (from Sister Act 2) and Shenandoah were in the line-up.
Worship was followed by a light lunch in the Fellowship hall across the street. Our concert was at 4:00. We enjoyed a full house and enthusiastic crowd that gave us 2 standing ovations. TCC preformed first, followed by a group I sing in called songsisters. Then the CIS sang a variety of English and Japanese music to everyone's delight. They sing with such heart and soul. They are passionate performers.
The weekend ended at a wonderful dinner (in everyone's favorite barn) at the home of Scott Sutcliffe. We had a catered meal that was delicious, the libations (again!) flowed freely and by now, we were all becoming well acquainted and very fond of each other. TCC presented the CIS with gift bags designed by Kathy W and filled with all things local by Delores H. CIS presented me with 2 beautiful silk furoshiki, as well as rice crackers for the chorus! By the end of the evening, I think everyone's hearts were as full as their stomachs.
I truly wish these lovely new friends could have stayed longer...there is so much to experience here in the summer. I feel that they only really just skimmed the surface of the Ithaca area.
There is a new murmur circulating now amongst the TCC- in two years: DESTINATION CHIBA!
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