Sunday, July 10, 2011

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig...

Chris and Matt did an admirable job taking care of the house, the lawn, the pets, the dishes. The house was still standing and everyone was alive when we got home. Macy did her whimpering face-licking, tail-wagging, back-writhing happy dance when we arrived last last night.

I admit, it's good to be home. I left school a day early to go on this trip, so consequently, I had emptied my room out at school and dumped everything at home, packed my bags, and then left for the U.K. So I feel like it's summer finally. There is a ton of stuff to organize, unpack from Tokyo (still!!) and work to do on the property. When I'm home, I find myself tending live things here and enjoying the gardens I have been putting in over the last several years.

The training for the hike was well worth it. Now...on to Women Swimmin'!

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