Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What are YOU thankful for?

I'm taking a break from the kitchen and thinking about Thanksgiving. Over the years, I've had my Thanksgiving celebrations in different states, different homes, and with different folks. Sometimes it was just with family, sometimes with family and friends. Always family. When the kids were little, we wanted them to understand how blessed they were to enjoy food, family and a warm home, so we spent the day as a family at the Salvation Army, helping to serve turkey dinner to Ithaca's hungry. I'm not sure it was the same year, but once we skipped the big Thanksgiving dinner, and ate a simple meal of PB and J and soup, and gave the money we would have spent on a big meal to the local food pantry. Unfortunately, those were only two "blips" on an otherwise average life screen.

Both sides of my family have a new holiday tradition that I really love and look forward to. My side of the family draws names to give one gift at Christmas, and lately we've been giving gifts to our recipient's favorite charity. I've given to the American Cancer Society, a community center, a Rochester School for the Deaf, an eye bank, Doctors Without Borders, Heifer International, and a church- all at the request of my brothers and parents. The other side of my family chooses 3 or 4 charities and we just put envelopes out at Christmas and then send away the donations at the end of the year. We have been doing this for years, because we recognize that we don't need to buy more "stuff" to give each other. Others have a greater, more serious need.

I write about this to maybe plant a seed of change in your family tradition. Every little bit helps. On this Thanksgiving day, I am thankful that I am in a position to do a very tiny part in helping others in need.

Other things I am thankful for?
Here's a short list:
my large loving family
my many wonderful friends
learning opportunities
the ability to laugh, and to find humor in just about anything
people who are striving for justice and peace
Al Gore
musicians and artists who help reveal the beauty and wonder of our existence

Happy Thanksgiving! Blessings to you.

1 comment:

Gordon Bonnet said...

Such wonderful ideas. Carol & I were talking about the fact that we really don't have many traditions in our family -- your post has given me some good ideas of ways to mark the holidays & simultaneously help people in need.

