Sunday, January 6, 2008


I am still pretty obsessed with footwear. I love looking at the outrageous shoes, boots and wild variety of styles I encounter everytime I step out. I am now comfortable enough to take pictures unobtrusively, and plan to share some of the sights with you. So today I will share some pics of shoes on a woman on the train, and shoes we found in an underground lair in Harajuku.

I am guessing that the styles will get more exciting with the approach of spring, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

Photoschmoozer said...

Welcome to the world of shoes! I know we talked about that when we had lunch at the Hamburger place in Tokyo. Don't be afraid of taking the fact, I have over 500 pictures and people love your taking these pictures. It is flattering. And you are right about Harijuku- there are incredible shoes and boots in the stores and on the feet!
Keep going! Martie