Thursday, May 22, 2008

'tis the season...

Now that the daily temperature in Tokyo is hovering in the upper 70's and lower 80's, it's once again time for me to marvel at the apparent differences in thermostat settings between most Japanese folk, and ME. I am out walking around in sandals, cropped pants and a sleeveless shirt today, and am feeling sluggish already due to the heat that is starting to feel just a little ominous. As I look around me, I see turtlenecks, scarves, sweaters, fitted jackets, long sleeves...and I wonder how they can look so calm and serene in all those clothes; walking in the sun, standing in the sun waiting for the light to change, waiting on the train platform. If it were Me in all those layers, I'd be frantically tearing my clothes off, or dousing my sweating brow with ice water or seeking out the nearest AC. Instead they look mostly impervious to the rising temps. Afterall, June first traditionally is the day when the wardrobe is supposed to change I think. As I stepped onto the Chiyoda line to go home today, I stepped into an airconditioned car and felt sweet relief. Ahhhh.....I then proceeded to sit down on a heated seat. A little something for everyone!

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