Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mountains and molecules...

The summit of Mount Everest

I was at a talk Tuesday morning, given by Arlene Blum. She is a mountain climber and a chemist. She was groundbreaking (and ceiling breaking) in both worlds...she led the first women's expedition to climb Denali back in the 70's, a very challenging mountain that pushed her group to dangerous limits. She's led women on climbing expeditions since. She's climbed Everest and Annapurna and has trekked across the Himalayas through 4 countries. She has been and still is fighting against chemical companies who are pushing to put highly toxic flame-retardant chemicals in everything- from couches to bedding and pillows, to pajamas to the outside of computers and other electronics. These chemicals are now found in children's bodies (and ours) in ever increasing levels. (the levels are highest in California) These toxins are so dangerous because our bodies don't recognize them as such and store them in our fat and breast milk. Currently, these toxins are being detected in killer whales, otters, squid, and polar bears. These substances are known to cause thyroid problems, low sperm count, obesity, diabetes, cancer and neurological problems. And that's just in animals that were tested. Sound familiar, anyone?

People have been having a debate lately about what is causing the epidemic of autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, infertility, cancer and a whole host of other emerging problems. It makes sense to me that there is a link- most likely from substances found all around us. Invisible poison. The chemical companies are powerful and push their products needlessly. Ms. Blum has stood up to the companies and had a direct effect on policy. In the 70's, she had a certain type of chemical (I think it's nickname is TRIS) banned from children's sleepwear because it was a known carcinogen. The chemical made up 10% of the fabric's weight. I'm sure I wore sleepwear in the 70's that had that stuff on it. She has had numerous papers published in Scientific Journals and mainstream media. The things she told us today were both inspiring and scary.

Don't buy furniture made in California. Anyone with little kids needs to find out more about this issue.

Arlene Blum is the founder and Executive Director of the Green Science Policy Institute in Berkeley, California.


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