Thursday, November 13, 2008

Flippin' Hot Dogs!

Today while my neighbor Janice and I were walking her dogs back from Yoyogi Koen,
we were passed by a woman on a bike who had a child in a seat behind her, and a Weiner Dog in the front basket. Well, just as soon as the little dog realized he had just passed our two (count 'em- TWO) sheep dogs, he excitedly flipped himself out of the basket where he hung momentarily stunned, hanging like a sausage link by his harness. (Thank goodness it was a harness!) The woman never looked back. She briefly stopped the bike, roughly flipped the WD back into the basket and yelled "SIT!!" as she rode off. It happened so fast. Janice and I just looked at each other and then laughed so hard that we almost couldn't walk. Only in Tokyo!

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